Skill in communicating effectively
Work roles with this Skill
Cybersecurity Curriculum Development
Category: Oversight and GovernanceNICE Framework ID: OG-WRL-004Responsible for developing, planning, coordinating, and evaluating cybersecurity awareness, training, or education content, methods, and techniques based on instructional needs and requirements.
Cybersecurity Instruction
Category: Oversight and GovernanceNICE Framework ID: OG-WRL-005Responsible for developing and conducting cybersecurity awareness, training, or education.
Cybersecurity Legal Advice
Category: Oversight and GovernanceNICE Framework ID: OG-WRL-006Responsible for providing cybersecurity legal advice and recommendations, including monitoring related legislation and regulations.
Executive Cybersecurity Leadership
Category: Oversight and GovernanceNICE Framework ID: OG-WRL-007Responsible for establishing vision and direction for an organization's cybersecurity operations and resources and their impact on digital and physical spaces. Possesses authority to make and execute decisions that impact an organization broadly, including policy approval and stakeholder engagement.
Privacy Compliance
Category: Oversight and GovernanceNICE Framework ID: OG-WRL-008Responsible for developing and overseeing an organization’s privacy compliance program and staff, including establishing and managing privacy-related governance, policy, and incident response needs.
Data Analysis
Category: Implementation and OperationNICE Framework ID: IO-WRL-001Responsible for analyzing data from multiple disparate sources to provide cybersecurity and privacy insight. Designs and implements custom algorithms, workflow processes, and layouts for complex, enterprise-scale data sets used for modeling, data mining, and research purposes.
Insider Threat Analysis
Category: Protection and DefenseNICE Framework ID: PD-WRL-005Responsible for identifying and assessing the capabilities and activities of cybersecurity insider threats; produces findings to help initialize and support law enforcement and counterintelligence activities and investigations.
Cyber Intelligence Planning
Category: Cyberspace IntelligenceNICE Framework ID: CI-WRL-004Responsible for developing intelligence plans to satisfy cyber operation requirements. Identifies, validates, and levies requirements for intelligence collection and analysis. Participates in targeting selection, validation, synchronization, and execution of cyber actions. Synchronizes intelligence activities to support organization objectives in cyberspace.
Multi-Disciplined Language Analysis
Category: Cyberspace IntelligenceNICE Framework ID: CI-WRL-005<p>Responsible for applying language and cultural expertise with target, threat, and technical knowledge to process, analyze, and disseminate intelligence information derived from language, voice, and/or graphic materials. Creates and maintains language-specific databases and working aids to support cyber action execution and ensure critical knowledge sharing. Provides subject matter expertise in foreign language-intensive or interdisciplinary projects.</p>
Cyber Operations Planning
Category: Cyberspace EffectsNICE Framework ID: CE-WRL-002Responsible for developing cybersecurity operations plans; participating in targeting selection, validation, and synchronization; and enabling integration during the execution of cyber actions.
Partner Integration Planning
Category: Cyberspace EffectsNICE Framework ID: CE-WRL-005<p>Responsible for advancing cooperation across organizational or national borders between cyber operations partners. Provides guidance, resources, and collaboration to develop best practices and facilitate organizational support for achieving objectives in integrated cyber actions.</p>
Target Analysis
Category: Cyberspace EffectsNICE Framework ID: CE-WRL-006Responsible for conducting target development at the system, component, and entity levels. Builds and maintains electronic target folders to include inputs from environment preparation and/or internal or external intelligence sources. Coordinates with partner target working groups and intelligence community members, and presents candidate targets for vetting and validation. Assesses and reports on damage resulting from the application of military force and coordinates federal support as required.
Target Network Analysis
Category: Cyberspace EffectsNICE Framework ID: CE-WRL-007Responsible for conducting advanced analysis of collection and open-source data to ensure target continuity; profiling targets and their activities; and developing techniques to gain target information. Determines how targets communicate, move, operate, and live based on knowledge of target technologies, digital networks, and applications.
Source: Workforce Framework for Cybersecurity (NICE Framework) (NIST SP 800-181 Rev 1) (Version: 1.0.0)