NICE Framework Work Roles & TKS Statements Now Updated

This tool presents a new and interactive way to explore work roles within the Workforce Framework for Cybersecurity (NICE Framework). It depicts the Cyber Workforce according to five distinct, yet complementary, skill communities. It also highlights core attributes among each of the 52 work roles and offers actionable insights for employers, professionals, and those considering a career in Cyber. To start, select a work role below, or enter keywords in the search bar.

As a feature within Cyber Career Pathways Tool, the micro-challenges (TryCyber) consist of hands-on experiences that allow users to complete several core cybersecurity workforce tasks. The following cybersecurity work roles have available micro-challenges:  Data Analysis, Database Administration, Defensive Cybersecurity, Digital Evidence Analysis, Incident Response, Network Operations, Systems Administration, Systems Security Analysis, Technical Support, and Vulnerability Analysis.

Explore the micro-challenges using the Tool below!