Attention: The Federal Virtual Training Environment (FedVTE) has been permanently decommissioned. Starting November 15th, users will be able to access all the same learning content through CISA Learning. Stay tuned for more details about the CISA Learning platform.

Skill ID: S0770

Skill in defining success indicators

Work roles with this Skill

  • Cyber Intelligence Planning

    NICE Framework ID: CI-WRL-004

    Responsible for developing intelligence plans to satisfy cyber operation requirements. Identifies, validates, and levies requirements for intelligence collection and analysis. Participates in targeting selection, validation, synchronization, and execution of cyber actions. Synchronizes intelligence activities to support organization objectives in cyberspace.

  • Cyber Operations Planning

    NICE Framework ID: CE-WRL-002

    Responsible for developing cybersecurity operations plans; participating in targeting selection, validation, and synchronization; and enabling integration during the execution of cyber actions.