  1. Workforce Development
  2. NICE Workforce Framework for Cybersecurity (NICE Framework)
  3. Skill Search
  4. S0563

Skill statement ID: S0563

Skill in creating statistical models

Work roles with this Skill

  • Secure Software Development

    NICE Framework ID: DD-WRL-003

    Responsible for developing, creating, modifying, and maintaining computer applications, software, or specialized utility programs.

  • Software Security Assessment

    NICE Framework ID: DD-WRL-005

    Responsible for analyzing the security of new or existing computer applications, software, or specialized utility programs and delivering actionable results.

  • Technology Research and Development

    NICE Framework ID: DD-WRL-008

    Responsible for conducting software and systems engineering and software systems research to develop new capabilities with fully integrated cybersecurity. Conducts comprehensive technology research to evaluate potential vulnerabilities in cyberspace systems.

  • Data Analysis

    NICE Framework ID: IO-WRL-001

    Responsible for analyzing data from multiple disparate sources to provide cybersecurity and privacy insight. Designs and implements custom algorithms, workflow processes, and layouts for complex, enterprise-scale data sets used for modeling, data mining, and research purposes.