Software Security Assessment

Responsible for analyzing the security of new or existing computer applications, software, or specialized utility programs and delivering actionable results.

  • T0311: Consult with customers about software system design and maintenance
  • T1019: Determine special needs of cyber-physical systems
  • T1020: Determine the operational and safety impacts of cybersecurity lapses
  • T1052: Integrate black-box security testing tools into quality assurance processes
  • T1073: Perform code reviews
  • T1074: Prepare secure code documentation
  • T1082: Integrate software cybersecurity objectives into project plans and schedules
  • T1083: Determine project security controls
  • T1106: Develop threat models
  • T1108: Evaluate interfaces between hardware and software
  • T1190: Determine hardware configuration
  • T1197: Identify common coding flaws
  • T1202: Determine software development security implications within centralized and decentralized environments across the enterprise
  • T1203: Implement software development cybersecurity methodologies within centralized and decentralized environments across the enterprise
  • T1204: Determine cybersecurity measures for steady state operation and management of software
  • T1205: Incorporate product end-of-life cybersecurity measures
  • T1222: Determine security requirements for new information technologies
  • T1223: Determine security requirements for new operational technologies
  • T1258: Perform integrated quality assurance testing
  • T1269: Conduct risk analysis of applications and systems undergoing major changes
  • T1302: Address security implications in the software acceptance phase
  • T1309: Analyze system capabilities and requirements
  • T1318: Integrate security requirements into application design elements
  • T1319: Document software attack surface elements
  • T1320: Conduct threat modeling
  • T1354: Identify system cybersecurity requirements
  • T1359: Perform penetration testing
  • T1400: Design and develop secure applications
  • T1422: Develop software documentation
  • T1509: Analyze feasibility of software design within time and cost constraints
  • T1513: Conduct trial runs of programs and software applications
  • T1528: Develop software system testing and validation procedures
  • T1529: Create software system documentation
  • T1590: Identify programming flaws
  • T1624: Conduct vulnerability analysis of software patches and updates
  • T1625: Prepare vulnerability analysis reports
  • T1658: Determine customer requirements
  • T1913: Identify system security requirements