• Online, Instructor-Led
  • Classroom
Course Description

This course introduces the Python language to students that have some prior experience in programming but want to gain a specific expertise in Python. This course will cover the critical language components such as Python types, control flow, looping constructs, working with Python collections, functions, file I/O and modules. Some more advanced topics include regular expressions, comprehensions, and object-oriented Python.

Learning Objectives

This course prepares students to:
- Create and execute Python programs from a Linux command-line shell
- Use correct Python syntax in Python programs
- Gain a working knowledge of fundamental Python programming constructs such as variables, conditional logic, control flow, loops, functions, and built-in data types such as Python lists and dictionaries
- Write a user-defined Python function
- Use the io module in Python to read and write disk files
- Use Python list comprehensions and Python generators
- Work with popular, common data formats: JSON, CSV
- Apply Python strings, lists, dictionaries and other constructs to solve problems using Python programming
- Use pip to install Python modules
- Gain working knowledge of various Python modules including csv, json, requests, pandas.