The course digs deep into disinformation methods and techniques examining Western methods of use as well as countering adversary activities. We cover: Identify operational content to define the narrative(s) while examining imagery and the feelings created by such.
Identify potential emotions, instincts, reflexes, and passions intended to exploit. Review content for lies, slander, intermixing of facts, possible conspiracy theories, and contradictory versions of the content across various platforms.
Learning Objectives
Work to identify targeted social groups backing the narrative. Identify the target(s) of the narrative and likely intent. Segment content for values and beliefs, language, images and concepts, an image created of the group’s enemy, details of group phobias, and how the content discredits and divides.
Analyze content for themes intended to divide social-cultural groups. Assess the potential for direct operational contact with internal groups or the preference for false flag influencing via social media accounts. Work with fact-checkers and researchers. Figure out what targeted groups already believe in to compare the influence operation narrative, the core values, and belief system of the targeted groups. Assess the narrative to determine the embedded content for exporting confirmation bias on one hand while triggering cognitive dissonance on the other. Then, examine further to assess where the content invokes fear based on group dynamics and phobias. The utmost goal is to hinder the spread of disinformation and manipulation of opinions.
Framework Connections
The materials within this course focus on the NICE Framework Task, Knowledge, and Skill statements identified within the indicated NICE Framework component(s):