• Online, Self-Paced
Course Description

Selenium is a framework for the automated testing of web applications. The interface used to send commands to browsers is called Selenium WebDriver. In this course, you'll learn how to work with the features, elements, and capabilities of the Selenium WebDriver. We'll explore the benefits of using WebDriver as a browser automation framework, essential components, and the architecture of Selenium WebDriver. You'll also learn about different types of locators and see how to work navigation methods, locators, developer tools, XPath, and CSS selectors to identify locator elements. Finally, we'll learn how to use application page elements, web elements of modern applications, fetch attribute values, and generate customized XPath and CSS selectors.

Learning Objectives

{"discover the key concepts covered in this course"}

Framework Connections

The materials within this course focus on the NICE Framework Task, Knowledge, and Skill statements identified within the indicated NICE Framework component(s):

Specialty Areas

  • Software Development


If you would like to provide feedback for this course, please e-mail the NICCS SO at NICCS@hq.dhs.gov.