• Online, Self-Paced
Course Description

Penetration testing in the Software Development Life Cycle helps create a safe and secure end product and minimizes financial and legal risk. In this course, you'll learn where penetration testing fits in the SDLC, the differences between pen testing and developer, and the importance of developer contributions to pen testing. you'll then examine the pen testing team structure and the tasks of the pen testing blue, red, and purple teams. Next, you'll explore the importance of pen testing web services and APIs, what is involved in API pen testing, and the available tools for pen testing APIs. Lastly, you'll learn how to perform a pen test on a REST API, as well as how to perform a pen test using Burp Suite.

Learning Objectives

{"discover the key concepts covered in this course"}

Framework Connections

The materials within this course focus on the NICE Framework Task, Knowledge, and Skill statements identified within the indicated NICE Framework component(s):

Specialty Areas

  • Cyber Defense Infrastructure Support
  • Cybersecurity Management
  • Systems Analysis
  • Systems Architecture
  • Threat Analysis
  • Vulnerability Assessment and Management

Specialty Areas have been removed from the NICE Framework. With the recent release of the new NICE Framework data, updates to courses are underway. Until this course can be updated, this historical information is provided to give better context as to how it can help you with your cybersecurity goals.


If you would like to provide feedback for this course, please e-mail the NICCS SO at NICCS@hq.dhs.gov.