• Online, Self-Paced
Course Description

Database tables hold a large number of rows, which are often not sorted in any specific order. Learn how to selectively return only a subset of rows, sorted and customized.

Learning Objectives

Oracle Database 12c R2 SQL: Restricting and Sorting Data

  • describe the limiting of rows selected in a query and how to use the WHERE clause in a SQL statement
  • use character strings and dates in a WHERE clause in a SQL statement
  • use the comparison operators in a WHERE clause in a SQL statement
  • use the BETWEEN and IN operators in a WHERE clause in a SQL statement
  • use the LIKE operator and combine wildcard characters in a WHERE clause in a SQL statement
  • use the NULL and logical operator conditions in a WHERE clause in a SQL statement
  • use the AND, OR, and NOT operators in a WHERE clause in a SQL statement
  • define the rules of precedence in a WHERE clause in a SQL statement
  • use the ORDER BY clause to sort the data returned by a SQL statement
  • use the ROW_LIMITING_CLAUSE to limit the number of rows returned by a SQL statement
  • use substitution variables
  • manipulate data using SQL

Framework Connections

The materials within this course focus on the NICE Framework Task, Knowledge, and Skill statements identified within the indicated NICE Framework component(s):

Specialty Areas

  • Data Administration
  • Systems Administration

Specialty Areas have been removed from the NICE Framework. With the recent release of the new NICE Framework data, updates to courses are underway. Until this course can be updated, this historical information is provided to give better context as to how it can help you with your cybersecurity goals.


If you would like to provide feedback for this course, please e-mail the NICCS SO at NICCS@hq.dhs.gov.