• Online, Self-Paced
Course Description

iOS 12 comes with many new features and additional functionality. Learn about new iOS 12 features and how they can be implemented.

Learning Objectives

iOS 12 Development: Augmented Reality and HealthKit

  • set up the basic environment for an AR app built on top of SpriteKit technology
  • configure and run a session that is able to track the real world
  • set up a delegate to handle session events from a ARSKView instance
  • create a new AR SpriteKit scene that allows time for an AR world to get set up
  • create a transform that can be used to add an ARAnchor to an Augmented Reality view
  • attach a node to an ARAnchor by using delegate methods
  • set up and understand the AR App template provided in Xcode 10 for iOS 12
  • use ARKit plane detection features to look for horizontal planes in the real world
  • perform hit testing with user taps to check if they intersect with virtual objects in an AR world
  • set up and execute a request to access data types in a device's Health Store
  • create and save a HealthKit sample in a device's Health Store
  • access previously stored health data from the Health Store of an iOS device
  • create an AR app environment based on SpriteKit technology

Framework Connections

The materials within this course focus on the NICE Framework Task, Knowledge, and Skill statements identified within the indicated NICE Framework component(s):

Specialty Areas

  • Software Development

Specialty Areas have been removed from the NICE Framework. With the recent release of the new NICE Framework data, updates to courses are underway. Until this course can be updated, this historical information is provided to give better context as to how it can help you with your cybersecurity goals.


If you would like to provide feedback for this course, please e-mail the NICCS SO at NICCS@hq.dhs.gov.