• Online, Self-Paced
Course Description

This course introduces the basics of algorithms and data structures with examples in C++. This course focuses on what the working programmer should know about algorithms and data structures without getting bogged down in mathematical formalism.

Learning Objectives


  • start the course
  • recognize the definition of a data structure and its importance in computer science
  • define what an algorithm is informally and discuss a few aspects of algorithms we need to consider as programmers
  • define the complexity of an algorithm in terms of Big O notation
  • define and use static arrays in C++
  • define and use dynamic arrays in C++
  • use a recursive binary search in C++

Standard Containers

  • implement a fixed-size stack of integers in C++
  • implement a fixed-size queue of integers in C++
  • implement a linked list in C++

Binary Trees

  • construct and destruct a Binary Search Tree (BST) in C++
  • perform a search using recursion on a BST in C++
  • insert elements into a BST in C++
  • delete elements from a BST in C++


  • implement a Bubble sort to sort a list of integers in C++
  • implement a Merge sort in C++
  • implement a Quicksort in C++


  • define a graph as an adjacency list in C++
  • define a graph as an adjacency matrix in C++
  • perform a Breadth First Search (BFS) on a graph represented by an adjacency list in C++
  • perform a Depth First Search (DFS) on a graph represented by an adjacency matrix in C++
  • implement a Topological Sort in C++ to sort a graph represented by an adjacency list

Hashed Data Structures

  • define a hashed data structure and discuss when to best use them
  • implement a custom hash function in C++
  • discuss the difference between perfect and non-perfect hashing, and implement a perfect hash in C++
  • discuss the method of handling collisions using separate chaining

Practice: Using Algorithms and Data Structures

  • learn the use of the fundamental basics of algorithms and data structures

Framework Connections

The materials within this course focus on the NICE Framework Task, Knowledge, and Skill statements identified within the indicated NICE Framework component(s):

Specialty Areas

  • Software Development


If you would like to provide feedback for this course, please e-mail the NICCS SO at NICCS@hq.dhs.gov.