• Online, Instructor-Led
Course Description

Authentication in cyber systems including password-based, address-based, biometrics-based, and SSO systems; Authorization and accounting in cyber systems; Securing wired and wireless networks; Secured applications including secure e-mail services, secure web services, and secure e-commerce applications; Security and privacy in cloud environments.

Learning Objectives

  • Gain experience with the online course system.
  • Recognize the general purpose and goals of the online course.
  • Gain the importance of network security.
  • Familiarize with several terminologies that are used to define network, information, and computer security.
  • Distinguish between different network technologies.
  • Identify different threats, vulnerabilities, and various types of attacks and hacks in network.
  • Identify the role of cryptography in network security and information security.
  • Gain knowledge on digital signatures, digital certificates, and the concept of a public key infrastructure.
  • Familiarize with typical Authentication Systems and Human Authentication Mechanisms.
  • Describe IP security.
  • Explain different security systems to secure transport layer.
  • Distinguish between different mechanisms for web security.
  • Analyze the threats of intruders and malicious software.
  • Explain systems for intrusion detections and countermeasures for malicious software.
  • Identify the concept of a firewall, pros and cons, and explains how it functions.
  • Explains the functioning of virtual private networks (VPNs) and how it works.
  • Identify the threats and vulnerabilities associated with 802.11 wireless networks.

    Framework Connections

    The materials within this course focus on the NICE Framework Task, Knowledge, and Skill statements identified within the indicated NICE Framework component(s):

    Competency Areas