Systems Administration

Responsible for setting up and maintaining a system or specific components of a system in adherence with organizational security policies and procedures. Includes hardware and software installation, configuration, and updates; user account management; backup and recovery management; and security control implementation.

  • T0431: Check system hardware availability, functionality, integrity, and efficiency
  • T0531: Troubleshoot hardware/software interface and interoperability problems
  • T1020: Determine the operational and safety impacts of cybersecurity lapses
  • T1092: Conduct functional and connectivity testing
  • T1130: Develop group policies and access control lists
  • T1140: Develop systems administration standard operating procedures
  • T1141: Document systems administration standard operating procedures
  • T1228: Maintain baseline system security
  • T1275: Determine the effectiveness of data redundancy and system recovery procedures
  • T1276: Develop data redundancy and system recovery procedures
  • T1277: Execute data redundancy and system recovery procedures
  • T1334: Produce cybersecurity instructional materials
  • T1500: Install systems and servers
  • T1501: Update systems and servers
  • T1502: Troubleshoot systems and servers
  • T1512: Perform periodic system maintenance
  • T1527: Define baseline system security requirements
  • T1530: Develop local network usage policies and procedures
  • T1531: Determine compliance with local network usage policies and procedures
  • T1569: Administer system and network user accounts
  • T1570: Establish system and network rights processes and procedures
  • T1571: Establish systems and equipment access protocols
  • T1578: Monitor system and server configurations
  • T1579: Maintain system and server configurations
  • T1588: Diagnose faulty system and server hardware
  • T1589: Repair faulty system and server hardware
  • K0064: Knowledge of performance tuning tools and techniques
  • K0645: Knowledge of standard operating procedures (SOPs)
  • K0674: Knowledge of computer networking protocols
  • K0675: Knowledge of risk management processes
  • K0676: Knowledge of cybersecurity laws and regulations
  • K0677: Knowledge of cybersecurity policies and procedures
  • K0678: Knowledge of privacy laws and regulations
  • K0679: Knowledge of privacy policies and procedures
  • K0680: Knowledge of cybersecurity principles and practices
  • K0681: Knowledge of privacy principles and practices
  • K0682: Knowledge of cybersecurity threats
  • K0683: Knowledge of cybersecurity vulnerabilities
  • K0684: Knowledge of cybersecurity threat characteristics
  • K0685: Knowledge of access control principles and practices
  • K0686: Knowledge of authentication and authorization tools and techniques
  • K0710: Knowledge of enterprise cybersecurity architecture principles and practices
  • K0712: Knowledge of Local Area Networks (LAN)
  • K0713: Knowledge of Wide Area Networks (WAN)
  • K0716: Knowledge of host access control (HAC) systems and software
  • K0717: Knowledge of network access control (NAC) systems and software
  • K0728: Knowledge of Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability (CIA) principles and practices
  • K0729: Knowledge of non-repudiation principles and practices
  • K0730: Knowledge of cyber safety principles and practices
  • K0731: Knowledge of systems security engineering (SSE) principles and practices
  • K0736: Knowledge of information technology (IT) security principles and practices
  • K0737: Knowledge of bandwidth management tools and techniques
  • K0740: Knowledge of system performance indicators
  • K0741: Knowledge of system availability measures
  • K0744: Knowledge of operating system (OS) systems and software
  • K0746: Knowledge of policy-based access controls
  • K0747: Knowledge of Risk Adaptive (Adaptable) Access Controls (RAdAC)
  • K0749: Knowledge of process engineering principles and practices
  • K0751: Knowledge of system threats
  • K0752: Knowledge of system vulnerabilities
  • K0758: Knowledge of server administration principles and practices
  • K0759: Knowledge of client and server architecture
  • K0760: Knowledge of server diagnostic tools and techniques
  • K0761: Knowledge of Fault Detection and Diagnostics (FDD) tools and techniques
  • K0765: Knowledge of software engineering principles and practices
  • K0770: Knowledge of system administration principles and practices
  • K0778: Knowledge of enterprise information technology (IT) architecture principles and practices
  • K0779: Knowledge of systems engineering processes
  • K0780: Knowledge of hardware maintenance policies and procedures
  • K0781: Knowledge of virtual private network (VPN) systems and software
  • K0791: Knowledge of defense-in-depth principles and practices
  • K0792: Knowledge of network configurations
  • K0794: Knowledge of file system implementation principles and practices
  • K0805: Knowledge of command-line tools and techniques
  • K0806: Knowledge of machine virtualization tools and techniques
  • K0829: Knowledge of account creation policies and procedures
  • K0830: Knowledge of password policies and procedures
  • K0837: Knowledge of hardening tools and techniques
  • K0840: Knowledge of hardware reverse engineering tools and techniques
  • K0842: Knowledge of software reverse engineering tools and techniques
  • K0851: Knowledge of reverse engineering principles and practices
  • K0858: Knowledge of virtual machine detection tools and techniques
  • K0859: Knowledge of encryption tools and techniques
  • K0870: Knowledge of enterprise architecture (EA) reference models and frameworks
  • K0871: Knowledge of enterprise architecture (EA) principles and practices
  • K0877: Knowledge of application firewall principles and practices
  • K0878: Knowledge of network firewall principles and practices
  • K0891: Knowledge of the Open Systems Interconnect (OSI) reference model
  • K0915: Knowledge of network architecture principles and practices
  • K0917: Knowledge of Personally Identifiable Information (PII) data security standards and best practices
  • K0918: Knowledge of Payment Card Industry (PCI) data security standards and best practices
  • K0919: Knowledge of Personal Health Information (PHI) data security standards and best practices
  • K0925: Knowledge of wireless communication tools and techniques
  • K0926: Knowledge of signal jamming tools and techniques
  • K0928: Knowledge of systems engineering principles and practices
  • K0935: Knowledge of incident, event, and problem management policies and procedures
  • K0946: Knowledge of incident reporting policies and procedures
  • K0947: Knowledge of computer engineering principles and practices
  • K0958: Knowledge of system integration principles and practices
  • K0983: Knowledge of computer networking principles and practices
  • K1014: Knowledge of network security principles and practices
  • K1069: Knowledge of virtual machine tools and technologies
  • K1072: Knowledge of automated security control testing tools and techniques
  • K1188: Knowledge of organizational policies and procedures
  • K1226: Knowledge of systems administration standard operating policies and procedures
  • S0045: Skill in optimizing database performance
  • S0111: Skill in interfacing with customers
  • S0407: Skill in developing standard operating procedures (SOPs)
  • S0408: Skill in maintaining standard operating procedures (SOPs)
  • S0430: Skill in collaborating with others
  • S0438: Skill in functioning effectively in a dynamic, fast-paced environment
  • S0448: Skill in creating automated security control systems
  • S0449: Skill in maintaining automated security control systems
  • S0451: Skill in deploying continuous monitoring technologies
  • S0472: Skill in developing virtual machines
  • S0473: Skill in maintaining virtual machines
  • S0487: Skill in operating IT systems
  • S0488: Skill in maintaining IT systems
  • S0561: Skill in configuring software
  • S0577: Skill in troubleshooting computer networks
  • S0582: Skill in troubleshooting system performance
  • S0587: Skill in maintaining directory services
  • S0593: Skill in handling incidents
  • S0606: Skill in manipulating operating system components
  • S0613: Skill in configuring software-based computer protection tools
  • S0662: Skill in managing servers
  • S0663: Skill in managing workstations
  • S0672: Skill in troubleshooting failed system components
  • S0674: Skill in installing system and component upgrades
  • S0675: Skill in optimizing system performance
  • S0677: Skill in recovering failed systems
  • S0678: Skill in administering operating systems
  • S0687: Skill in performing administrative planning activities
  • S0729: Skill in preparing plans
  • S0741: Skill in administering servers
  • S0762: Skill in integrating organization objectives
  • S0844: Skill in managing account access rights