Skill ID: S0761
Skill in performing strategic guidance analysis
Work roles with this Skill
Security Control Assessment
Category: Oversight and GovernanceNICE Framework ID: OG-WRL-012Responsible for conducting independent comprehensive assessments of management, operational, and technical security controls and control enhancements employed within or inherited by a system to determine their overall effectiveness.
Cyber Intelligence Planning
Category: Cyberspace IntelligenceNICE Framework ID: CI-WRL-004Responsible for developing intelligence plans to satisfy cyber operation requirements. Identifies, validates, and levies requirements for intelligence collection and analysis. Participates in targeting selection, validation, synchronization, and execution of cyber actions. Synchronizes intelligence activities to support organization objectives in cyberspace.
Source: Workforce Framework for Cybersecurity (NICE Framework) (NIST SP 800-181 Rev 1) (Version: 1.0.0)