  1. Workforce Development
  2. NICE Workforce Framework for Cybersecurity (NICE Framework)
  3. Knowledge Search
  4. K0809

Knowledge statement ID: K0809

Knowledge of digital forensics data characteristics

Work roles with this Knowledge

  • Technology Research and Development

    NICE Framework ID: DD-WRL-008

    Responsible for conducting software and systems engineering and software systems research to develop new capabilities with fully integrated cybersecurity. Conducts comprehensive technology research to evaluate potential vulnerabilities in cyberspace systems.

  • Digital Forensics

    NICE Framework ID: PD-WRL-002

    Responsible for analyzing digital evidence from computer security incidents to derive useful information in support of system and network vulnerability mitigation.

  • Digital Evidence Analysis

    Category: Investigation
    NICE Framework ID: IN-WRL-002

    Responsible for identifying, collecting, examining, and preserving digital evidence using controlled and documented analytical and investigative techniques.