This is an intense, 3-day Instructor-Led Wireshark class for Beginners. Students will cover over 400 pages of Wireshark material over three days. This course begins with the core tasks and techniques for TCP/IP analysis IP, TCP, UDP, ARP, DHCP, HTTP, ICMP and moves into CGRCture and analysis techniques to spot the most common network problems. Students will immediately be able to use Wireshark to complete tasks in the real world. Wireshark is the world's most popular network analysis tool and also named one of the most important open source apps of all time. Wireshark runs on Windows, MAX OS X, and NIX. 40+ hands-on labs will be covered during the week as well. This is a very intensive hands-on lab boot camp. Additional Wireshark Troubleshooting topics are covered as well during the week. The instructor will help the students load the latest release of Wireshark. This 3-day boot camp is geared for the Government, Military and Contractors seeking 8140 compliance. Classes are scheduled across the USA and also live online.
Have a group of 5 or more people? Let us know and we can deliver a PRIVATE SESSION at your location.
Training includes:
- The top Wireshark training in the industry
- Instruction by a high-level Certified Wireshark expert
- Wireshark Courseware - continually updated
- Practice and skill development
- Hands-on training
- Class hours: 8:30 - 4:30 daily
- Snacks and Beverages provided daily
- There is no exam associated with this course
- Follow on course - WCNA
Learning Objectives
Upon completion of the Wireshark for beginners course, you will demonstrate competence and learn to master:
- Explore key Wireshark elements and traffic flows
- Customize Wireshark views and settings
- Determine best capture method apply capture filters
- Apply display filters to focus on specific traffic
- Color and export interesting packets
- Build and interpret tables and graphs
- Reassemble traffic for faster analysis
- Add comments to your trace files and packets
- Use command-line tools to capture, split, and merge
- Use efficient troubleshooting methods
- Additional troubleshooting topics
Framework Connections
The materials within this course focus on the NICE Framework Task, Knowledge, and Skill statements identified within the indicated NICE Framework component(s):