• Online, Self-Paced
Course Description

To work as a DevOps technical support engineer, you need a basic understanding of the growing number of version and source control tools.

In this course, you'll explore the history of source control systems, examine how project management without source control differs from PM with source control, and recognize the control mechanisms used by Dev and Ops teams when working with control systems. You'll then identify the different types of source control systems and when to use them, and distinguish between cloud and cloudless version control systems.

Next, you'll recognize the best practices for implementing version control in DevOps, and how to improve and measure the effectiveness of source control systems. Finally, you'll list the features of a source code repository and the primary source code repository providers.

Learning Objectives

{"discover the key concepts covered in this course"}

Framework Connections

The materials within this course focus on the NICE Framework Task, Knowledge, and Skill statements identified within the indicated NICE Framework component(s):

Specialty Areas

  • Systems Analysis
  • Systems Development


If you would like to provide feedback for this course, please e-mail the NICCS SO at NICCS@hq.dhs.gov.