• Classroom
  • Online, Instructor-Led
  • Online, Self-Paced
Course Description

The Certified Vulnerability Assessor training help students understand the importance of vulnerability assessments by:

1. Giving you special knowledge and skills in Vulnerability Assessment.

2. Preparing you to apply this knowledge and exercise these skills in the interest of others.

3. Helping you understand the importance of a Vulnerability Assessment and how it can help you prevent serious break-ins to your organization

This is accomplished by:

  • Performing in-depth Labs that focus on the best choices in tools.
  • Learning a methodology using conceptual and real world repetition.
  • Equipping you with the knowledge about what hackers look for when trying to hack into your network.
  • Assessing for the cause of testing your company's security posture to help better secure the infrastructure against hackers and or viruses, etc.

This 3-day course retails for $2,500 and is delivered via: classroom or live online.

Learning Objectives


Module 1 - Why Vulnerability Assessment

Module 2 - Vulnerability Types

Module 3 - Assessing the Network

Module 4 - Assessing Web Servers & Applications

Module 5 - Assessing Remote & VPN Services

Module 6 - Vulnerability Assessment Tools of the Trade

Module 7 - Output Analysis


Module 1 Lab - Getting Set Up

Module 3 Lab - Assessing the Network

Module 4 Lab - Vulnerability Types

Module 4 Lab - Assessing Web Servers

Module 5 Lab - Assessing the Network

Framework Connections

The materials within this course focus on the NICE Framework Task, Knowledge, and Skill statements identified within the indicated NICE Framework component(s):

Specialty Areas

  • Cyber Defense Infrastructure Support
  • Cyber Investigation
  • Exploitation Analysis
  • Threat Analysis
  • Vulnerability Assessment and Management

Specialty Areas have been removed from the NICE Framework. With the recent release of the new NICE Framework data, updates to courses are underway. Until this course can be updated, this historical information is provided to give better context as to how it can help you with your cybersecurity goals.


If you would like to provide feedback for this course, please e-mail the NICCS SO at NICCS@hq.dhs.gov.