• Online, Instructor-Led
  • Online, Self-Paced
  • Classroom
Course Description

Cybersecurity Bootcamp (powered by Cybint) is a fully online accelerated training program, meeting only twice a week, designed to successfully prepare people with little or no background in IT for entry level jobs in cybersecurity, a highly in-demand and lucrative career path. Developed around military training methodologies and hands-on learning, the program focuses on the key skills sought by employers. The Bootcamp prepares students not only with technical knowledge, but with the essential skills required for a successful career in cybersecurity.

Learning Objectives

Students will develop practical and theoretical knowledge delivered through demos, real-world examples, videos, infographics, quizzes, and games.
Students will demonstrate technical skills, frameworks, and tools taught through hands-on exercises in a safe virtual environment.
Students will gain essential soft-skills training – from teamwork to interview prep – embedded throughout the program.

Framework Connections