• Classroom
  • Online, Instructor-Led
Course Description

This course is intended for teams wanting to collaborate using GitHub, and for developers wanting to improve their Git skills. You will start the course by learning to perform both basic and advanced Git commands. Then, you will learn best practices for using GitHub as a platform to develop code collaboratively. By the end of this course, you will know how to manage large-scale projects using Git and GitHub.

Learning Objectives

Install Git on Windows, Mac, and Linux Perform Basic Git Commands like Initializing a Repository, Creating a Branch, and Adding Commits Perform Advanced Git Commands like Rebasing, Cherry-Picking, Aliases, and Hooks Set Organization Accounts to Combine Multiple GitHub Users into an Organization Split up Organization Accounts into Multiple Teams Create a Repository and Set up Permissions Make Pull Requests Work, Create a Branch, Push Commits, Create the Pull Request, Have Someone Approve, and Merge Manage Large-Scaled Projects Using Git and GitHub

Framework Connections

The materials within this course focus on the NICE Framework Task, Knowledge, and Skill statements identified within the indicated NICE Framework component(s):