Gear up to prepare for the ISC2 CISSP certification exam with CISSP Third Edition course. The comprehensive study guide provides complete coverage of all the objectives covered in the ISC2 CISSP exam and provide knowledge and skills on the topics such as security capabilities of Information Systems, security architecture maintenance, vulnerabilities of security architectures, designs, and solution elements, vulnerabilities in web-based systems, vulnerabilities in mobile systems, vulnerabilities in embedded devices, and a lot more. Upon the completion of this course, students will be prepared to take the Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) 2018 certification exam. Meets U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) Directive 8570.1.
Learning Objectives
This course prepares students to take the Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) 2018 certification exam.
Framework Connections
Specialty Areas
- All-Source Analysis
- Collection Operations
- Cyber Defense Analysis
- Cyber Defense Infrastructure Support
- Cyber Investigation
- Cyber Operational Planning
- Cybersecurity Management
- Digital Forensics
- Exploitation Analysis
- Incident Response
- Legal Advice and Advocacy
- Program/Project Management and Acquisition
- Strategic Planning and Policy
- Targets
- Threat Analysis
- Training, Education, and Awareness
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