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  2. Featured Stories
  3. NEW! Updated Cybersecurity Resources for Students!

Attention:  CISA Learning is now available!  If you are an EXTERNAL (non-CISA) user access the new system using this url: CISA Learning. The Federal Virtual Training Environment (FedVTE) has been permanently decommissioned and replaced by CISA Learning. Please reference the CISA Learning page for the latest information. Please note: CISA Users (staff and contractors) should access CISA Learning through the internal site. You should have received an email on December 4, 2024, titled “CISA Learning is LIVE!” with more information.

NEW! Updated Cybersecurity Resources for Students!

ATTENTION HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS! NICCS recently updated the Cybersecurity for Students page with more resources and information than ever before to help you succeed in cyber. Whether you are preparing to go to community college close to home, a four-year university far away, or directly into the workforce, NICCS has the tools to get you there. Explore the cyber career profiles, average salary comparisons across occupations, tips to get ahead, and more! 

Did you know there are over 400 designated schools across the U.S. with recognized cybersecurity degree programs? Many of which offer scholarships up to $27,000 for undergraduate students and up to $37,000 for graduate students. With the average cost of higher education in the thousands of dollars, be sure to check out the Cybersecurity Colleges & Universities page and Cybersecurity Scholarships page for more information on ways to save on your degree in cybersecurity. 

There are over 469,000 open cybersecurity positions across the nation looking for qualified, capable entry, mid-, and senior-level professionals with the technical and soft skills needed to fight cybercrime and protect our critical infrastructure. The Interactive Cybersecurity Career Map shows thousands of federal jobs available in real-time across the U.S. and around the world. With over 4.8 million cybersecurity job openings globally, there is an abundance of opportunity to make a difference on earth and in cyberspace 
For more cybersecurity topics you may be interested in, check out our Featured Stories.

Please reach out to us at if you have any questions or need any assistance with the tools and resources on our website.