In various contexts, "dirty tricks" generally refer to deceitful, unethical, or malicious tactics used to gain an advantage or achieve a specific outcome. The term "dirty tricks" is used because these actions often involve deception, dishonesty, or unethical behavior, and they go against accepted norms or rules. They can harm individuals, organizations, or societies, erode trust, and create an unfair playing field. We cover dirty tricks and underhanded methods providing examples along the way to assist with your defense against them, and your ability to use them.
Learning Objectives
Underhanded is defined as marked by secrecy, chicanery, and deception. Not honest and aboveboard. Other synonyms for underhanded include: bent, crooked, deceptive, dishonest, double-dealing, duplicitous, fast, fraudulent, guileful, rogue, shady, sharp, and shifty.
Framework Connections
The materials within this course focus on the NICE Framework Task, Knowledge, and Skill statements identified within the indicated NICE Framework component(s):