Course Description
- Mobile devices run specialized operating systems with security problems.
- Students will learn how mobile operating systems and apps work, how to find and exploit vulnerabilities and how to defend them.
- Topics will include phone call, voicemail, SMS intrusion, jailbreaking, rooting, NFC attacks, malware, browser exploitation, and application vulnerabilities.
Learning Objectives
- Assess the risks of using mobile devices for common activities such as making phone calls, emailing, and shopping.
- Perform jailbreaks for iOS devices and analyze the Android security model and rooting.
- Differentiate and describe types of mobile malware and anti-malware options.
- Evaluate Web browser services and attacks on mobile platforms and recommend countermeasures.
- Configure, deploy, and defeat locking, remote location and wiping services.
- Prioritize common mobile app risks and determine how and when to appropriately install and use them.
Framework Connections
Specialty Areas
- All-Source Analysis
- Cyber Defense Analysis
- Cyber Defense Infrastructure Support
- Digital Forensics
- Exploitation Analysis
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