Below is an explanation of how to interpret your NICE Framework Mapping Tool results.
Once you complete and submit the Job Description Framework Alignment, you will receive a Mapping Tool Report. The report includes a Team Summary Report chart, which shows the percentage of Task Statements (i.e., work performed) and Knowledge and Skill Statements (i.e., team’s capabilities) you selected in each Work Role Category of the Workforce Framework for Cybersecurity (NICE Framework). You can interpret the chart in the following ways:
If Task Statements are greater in a Work Role Category than Knowledge and Skill Statements, this means that your team may not have all the capabilities required to perform each task you selected in that area. You can develop skills by assigning training or other developmental activities (e.g., job shadowing, mentoring, certifications, etc.), or consider hiring staff with the needed skills.
If Knowledge and Skill Statements are greater in a Work Role Category than Task Statements, this means that your team has capabilities in a certain area but are not performing all the work that they can perform. You can explore all potential Task, Knowledge, and Skill (TKS) Statements for each position to determine if there are additional tasks your team could be performing. Explore TKS Statements by clicking the “View Details” button in the Positions Added section, which is found below the Team Summary Report.
If Task Statements and Knowledge and Skill Statements are fairly even in a given Work Role Category, this means that your team has a healthy balance of knowledge and capabilities and work performed in that area.
If there are visible highs or lows between Task Statements and Knowledge and Skill Statements across Work Role Categories, note that this may mean your team has a notable mismatch of capabilities and work performed. For example, if your team performs a significant amount of work in the Investigate Category (Task Statements) but mostly has knowledge and skills in the Operate and Maintain Category (Knowledge and Skill Statements), you will likely have an underperforming team and need to develop the right skills and establish positions more aligned to the work.
Below the Team Summary Report graph is a section called, Positions Added, which shows the positions on your team. Displayed are the identifying information for each position and the degree to which each position aligns to the Work Roles in the NICE Framework. Work Roles are made up of tasks that are usually performed together and the knowledge and skills that are often required to perform the tasks.
If you have additional questions about how to interpret your results, please reach out to the NICCS team at