With continued support from industry, government, and regulatory bodies, and with contributions from the members of GRF’s Business Resilience Council, the Operational Resilience Framework rules will be reviewed annually and updated as required. The implementation aids in the section above will be developed, reviewed, published, and updated periodically. Products and supporting documents will be developed to simplify adoption and support implementation by organizations of any size. We are looking for support for all these efforts. Please reach out to orf@grf.org to volunteer for our working groups. The measurements in the training are examples. We can tailor the measures to fit an organization's specific context and goals. They serve as indicators to assess the maturity level within each capability area. Regular assessments and evaluations against these measurements can help track progress, identify gaps, and prioritize efforts to ensure regular review of goals and objectives for updating as required to address disruption or impairment.
Learning Objectives
Students learn about the Global Resilience Federation, their operational framework, controls, and the Treadstone 71 generated Capability Maturity Model with explanations on how to achieve each control and level. A capability maturity model for implementing industry-recognized risk management, information technology, and cybersecurity control frameworks can help assess the organization's maturity in these areas. The following instructional videos go through each G.R.F. control, looking at each maturity level for each control. The controls are in the files included in the training. As a reminder, this is not a G.R.F. endorsed training but takes directly from G.R.F. content creating a maturity model shared with the G.R.F.. Some of the control levels may have duplicative Level measurements and duplicative implementation strategies to some degree. Be sure to download the artifacts for the maturity model.
Framework Connections
The materials within this course focus on the NICE Framework Task, Knowledge, and Skill statements identified within the indicated NICE Framework component(s):