Earlier machines were controlled by mechanical means using cams, gears, levers and other basic mechanical devices. With the increasing complexity, the need of a more sophisticated control system increased. This sophisticated control system contained wired relay and switch control elements. These elements were wired to provide the control logic necessary for the particular type of machine operation. It was okay for a machine that never needed to be changed or modified. However, due to new manufacturing techniques, hardwired relay and switch logic became cumbersome and time consuming. Then, a new means to control circuitry was developed and it because the programmable logic controller, or PLC. The PLC provided an easy way to reprogram the wiring rather than actually rewiring the control system. This course provides a comprehensive guide on the fundamentals to PLC programming
Learning Objectives
Fundamentals to PLC programming, discuss commonly used input and output devices with PLC systems and their characteristics, explain advanced digital programming techniques, explore how to create a PLC program using ladder logic, explain timers and counters programming, discuss how to acquire and manipulate data using instructions,explain analog I/O modules
Framework Connections
The materials within this course focus on the NICE Framework Task, Knowledge, and Skill statements identified within the indicated NICE Framework component(s):