Computers, networks, and programmable logic controllers operate most of the physical infrastructure of our modern world, ranging from electrical power grids, water systems, and traffic systems all the way down to HVAC systems and industrial automation. Increasingly, security professionals need the skills to assess and defend these important infrastructures. In this innovative and cutting-edge course based on the SANS CyberCity kinetic range, you will learn how to analyze and assess the security of control systems and related infrastructures, finding vulnerabilities that could result in significant kinetic impact.
Learning Objectives
- Scan for and discover the details associated computer, network, and ICS assets.
- Analyze and manipulate commonly used, very powerful, but often less-well-understood protocols such as Profinet, DNP3, Modbus, and more.
- Work as part of a team analyzing attacker actions and preventing kinetic impacts against industrial control systems.
- Look for vulnerabilities in systems associated with electrical power distribution, water systems, traffic systems, and other infrastructures.
- Use a variety of hands-on tools for analyzing and interacting with target systems, including Wireshark, tcpdump, Nmap, Metasploit, and much more.
- Control various Human Machine Interfaces and Operator Interface Terminals widely used by SCADA and other Industrial Control Systems (ICSs)
- Prevent attackers from wreaking havoc by manipulating computers that control physical infrastructures
Framework Connections
Specialty Areas
- Cyber Defense Infrastructure Support
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