• Classroom
  • Online, Instructor-Led
Course Description

This ISC²® training course is available online and in-person. The five-day instructor-led training experience prepares attendees for the CISSP-ISSMP certification exam. This concentration focuses on managerial skills such as project and risk management, managing Business Continuity Planning programs, and establishing security awareness programs. CISSP-ISSMP professionals establish, present, and govern information security policies and procedures to support business goals.

Learning Objectives

Students will develop managerial skills such as project and risk management, managing Business Continuity Planning programs, and establishing security awareness programs. CISSP-ISSMP professionals establish, present, and govern information security policies and procedures to support business goals. The objectives include: practices of security management, security of systems development, management of security compliance,

Understand BCP (Business Continuity Planning) and DRP (Disaster Recovery Planning),

and Law, Ethics, Investigation and Forensics. This course will also prepare students for the CISSP-ISSMP exam. 

Framework Connections