Our CompTIA IT Fundamentals training course is designed to give you the confidence needed to take on common tasks performed by entry-level IT professionals and advanced end-users alike. This entry level course, delivered in six domains, covers a broad scope of IT topics to ensure you pass the exam with flying colors. Once certified, this powerful credential becomes your stepping stone to more advanced certifications such as CompTIA A+ and CompTIA Network+. The six domains covered within the CompTIA Fundamentals training course are designed to refresh the knowledge you already have and build your skills to close any knowledge gaps. This course covers IT Concepts & Terminology, Software Development, Infrastructure, Database Fundamentals, Applications & Software and Security.
Learning Objectives
Obtain the CompTIA IT Fundamentals certification and gain essential skills and knowledge for all levels of IT professions.
Framework Connections
The materials within this course focus on the NICE Framework Task, Knowledge, and Skill statements identified within the indicated NICE Framework component(s):
Specialty Areas
- Customer Service and Technical Support
- Network Services
- Systems Administration