Identify information collection gaps
Work roles with this Task
Insider Threat Analysis
Category: Protection and DefenseNICE Framework ID: PD-WRL-005Responsible for identifying and assessing the capabilities and activities of cybersecurity insider threats; produces findings to help initialize and support law enforcement and counterintelligence activities and investigations.
All-Source Collection Management
Category: Cyberspace IntelligenceNICE Framework ID: CI-WRL-002Responsible for identifying intelligence collection authorities and environment; incorporating priority information requirements into intelligence collection management; and developing concepts to meet leadership's intent. Determines capabilities of available intelligence collection assets; constructs and disseminates intelligence collection plans; and monitors execution of intelligence collection tasks to ensure effective execution of collection plans.
Multi-Disciplined Language Analysis
Category: Cyberspace IntelligenceNICE Framework ID: CI-WRL-005<p>Responsible for applying language and cultural expertise with target, threat, and technical knowledge to process, analyze, and disseminate intelligence information derived from language, voice, and/or graphic materials. Creates and maintains language-specific databases and working aids to support cyber action execution and ensure critical knowledge sharing. Provides subject matter expertise in foreign language-intensive or interdisciplinary projects.</p>
Target Network Analysis
Category: Cyberspace EffectsNICE Framework ID: CE-WRL-007Responsible for conducting advanced analysis of collection and open-source data to ensure target continuity; profiling targets and their activities; and developing techniques to gain target information. Determines how targets communicate, move, operate, and live based on knowledge of target technologies, digital networks, and applications.
Source: Workforce Framework for Cybersecurity (NICE Framework) (NIST SP 800-181 Rev 1) (Version: 1.0.0)