Knowledge of network analysis tools and techniques
Work roles with this Knowledge
Cybersecurity Instruction
Category: Oversight and GovernanceNICE Framework ID: OG-WRL-005Responsible for developing and conducting cybersecurity awareness, training, or education.
Security Control Assessment
Category: Oversight and GovernanceNICE Framework ID: OG-WRL-012Responsible for conducting independent comprehensive assessments of management, operational, and technical security controls and control enhancements employed within or inherited by a system to determine their overall effectiveness.
Technology Research and Development
Category: Design and DevelopmentNICE Framework ID: DD-WRL-008Responsible for conducting software and systems engineering and software systems research to develop new capabilities with fully integrated cybersecurity. Conducts comprehensive technology research to evaluate potential vulnerabilities in cyberspace systems.
Systems Security Analysis
Category: Implementation and OperationNICE Framework ID: IO-WRL-006Responsible for developing and analyzing the integration, testing, operations, and maintenance of systems security. Prepares, performs, and manages the security aspects of implementing and operating a system.
Defensive Cybersecurity
Category: Protection and DefenseNICE Framework ID: PD-WRL-001Responsible for analyzing data collected from various cybersecurity defense tools to mitigate risks.
Incident Response
Category: Protection and DefenseNICE Framework ID: PD-WRL-003Responsible for investigating, analyzing, and responding to network cybersecurity incidents.
Vulnerability Analysis
Category: Protection and DefenseNICE Framework ID: PD-WRL-007Responsible for assessing systems and networks to identify deviations from acceptable configurations, enclave policy, or local policy. Measure effectiveness of defense-in-depth architecture against known vulnerabilities.
Source: Workforce Framework for Cybersecurity (NICE Framework) (NIST SP 800-181 Rev 1) (Version: 1.0.0)